I’m back from this year’s ConQuest of Mythodea and still pretty exhausted. Western seal’s army really grew closer together by discovering a fascinating new way to spent time: By… wait for it… wait for it…
No, there’s no conclusion, that’s just what we did for quite some time. We waited. A lot. In mail. Under a sun that was certainly out to complete what the anti-elements did’nt manage (yay to that one!): to provide us a slow and merciless death.

“Of course we need you! Just… you know… not right now. But there MIGHT be an attack within the next three to eight ours, so… could you just stay here and feel stupid by watching our magical stuff you don’t understand?”

Don’t get me wrong. There were battles, and they were fun! But there was a lot of waiting, too. So… here’s to western army! Here’s to the elements! Here’s to…

Wait for it…

wait for it…